Players: 287
Tournaments: 197
Games Played: 2860
Total Appearances: 3369

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Current date and time: 2025-03-12 09:50
Rowy Tournament (2.0)



• 24 worms per player
• Games are best of 1
-AWTRW (attack with the right weapon): the next 1 on the weapon table. Start with bazooka, then homing missile, then mortar, and so on. When all weapons, from f1 to f11 are finished, players finish the game by using patsy's every turn.
-AET (attack every turn): you NEED to use the next weapon, even if you can't do damage. Falls, plops, timeouts, skips etc. are cows if you failed to use a weapon.
What happens if someone cows?
-> the other player is now allowed to use the patsy magic bullet OR he can continue with his next weapon (if he feels that gives him more of an advantage). The player that cowed (didn't use the right weapon, or used no weapon at all) uses the weapon that he skipped next turn and continues finishing his 'rows' as normal after that.
NB: sometimes there's a delay bug with mortar. if this happens, just skip 1 round.
Set up:
Each players starts with 3 teams of 8 worms. (so 24 worms vs 24 worms)
Play on BIG maps. BIG shopper maps, kill the king maps or mnp maps are best suited.
For example, search maps on WMDB with feature size BIG:[feature_size]=-2 (alas can't get this link to work, copy paste the url )
Or use one of the maps of the Rowy WO tourneys:
Try to find ones that are elaborate and seem fun
Regarding girders: blocking of worms is not allowed. The worm must be able to walk/jump out.
Regarding bungee: must use it if you can, if you really can't (and other player agree that you can't) you can skip your turn.
Copyright: Philie
Medal points multiplier for the new system: x 0.7 (19 players)