Players: 287
Tournaments: 197
Games Played: 2860
Total Appearances: 3369

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Current date and time: 2025-03-12 09:09
Rowy Madness Tournament



• 24 worms per player
• Games are best of 5
Scheme explanation:
Rowy Madness = Rowy played on a Mine Madness map (pixels + mines). However, we don't use the rowy scheme, but a special one, that includes LG and infinite JP's & parachutes.
Rules (in detail):
- 8 worms per team. Each player enters 3 teams (3x8). (or 1 or 2 incase you want multiplayer funner).
- Put a mine madness map (a big field of pixels, a BnA could work too).
- Same rules apply as in rowy (first you shoot the zook, then the missile, etc.)
- Jetpack & Para (and LG) may be used each turn, the rope not. The parachute is not considered a rowy weapon. The rope however is, that's why you only get 2 of them and aren't allowed to use them in regular turns. After the rope you skip to tele.
- Rounds: games are bo5. In the 2nd round you start with the rowy weapon you ended with in the 1st round (in other words, the rowy carries over several rounds). The stockpile is set to anti, so all weapons used in the first round will show up in the 2nd round as 1x. Select the first weapon that has 2x and proceed with rowy.
Most of the time you will use the f1 to f3 weapons in the first round and then start the 2nd with the f4 row. And the 3rd round of the match with f8 or so.
- Once you reach patsy (and have used it), go back to the f1 weapon and start rowy anew. If you still haven't finished the bo5 match after going through the panel twice, finish it with patsy's.
- Cow: other player uses patsy or proceeds his rows, as he wishes.
- Accidental use of weapon: it may occur that you accidently use a weapon that you weren't supposed to use yet. In that case, take the cow penalty. The next time the weapon shows up that you already used (and that is now no longer available), skip your turn, but don't take the cow penalty.
If it's still the 1st round of rowy, you may use the 1x weapon and save the skip turn for later. If you're lucky the match won't get that far and you won't have to skip/go.
- If you didnt use a weapon at all in the cow turn: use the weapon next and proceed the rowy as normal.
Note: tourney will take some time, make sure you're set for a long evening ;). Games of bo5 will be roughly the same length as 1 regular rowy.
Medal points multiplier for the new system: x 0.7 (16 players)