Players: 287
Tournaments: 197
Games Played: 2860
Total Appearances: 3369
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2025-02-06 02:05
Replays for Game #11819
25th August 2013, 16:00
Round 1
2013-08-25 16:53:31
Show Turn Details
Players: as The Blues as Th? ???TTý Gí?Ls reN starts turn [00:01:20.24] Grenade Chelsea starts turn [00:01:38.28] Petrol BombDamage dealt: 36 reN starts turn [00:02:05.68] Cluster BombDamage dealt: 67 3 Chelsea starts turn [00:02:16.00] Battle AxeDamage dealt: 50 reN starts turn [00:02:30.62] Shotgun[00:02:43.16] ShotgunDamage dealt: 50 Chelsea starts turn [00:02:54.76] Parachute[00:03:11.26] DynamiteDamage dealt: 100 reN starts turn [00:03:30.66] Skunk Chelsea starts turn [00:03:50.86] Blow Torch reN starts turn [00:04:05.68] Teleport Chelsea starts turn [00:04:27.58] Petrol BombDamage dealt: 3 27 reN starts turn Damage dealt: 2 Chelsea starts turn [00:05:04.82] UziDamage dealt: 5 21 reN starts turn [00:05:41.18] Blow Torch Chelsea starts turn [00:05:56.14] Ninja Rope[00:05:57.40] Ninja Rope[00:06:07.08] SheepDamage dealt: 90 61 reN starts turn [00:06:43.08] Teleport Chelsea starts turn [00:07:05.38] Teleport reN starts turn [00:07:13.82] Shotgun[00:07:26.38] ShotgunDamage dealt: 42 Chelsea starts turn [00:07:43.28] Ninja RopeDamage dealt: 10 reN starts turn [00:07:56.28] Shotgun[00:08:19.94] ShotgunDamage dealt: 23 Chelsea starts turn [00:08:36.66] Girder reN starts turn [00:09:02.96] Blow Torch Chelsea starts turn [00:09:27.20] Girder reN starts turn [00:09:39.12] Ninja Rope[00:09:54.02] Grenade Chelsea starts turn [00:10:14.78] GrenadeDamage dealt: 15
168.78 s 198.00 s |