Players: 287
Tournaments: 197
Games Played: 2860
Total Appearances: 3369
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2025-02-06 02:07
Replays for Game #10825
13th August 2013, 15:00
Round 1
2013-08-13 16:27:55
Show Turn Details
Players: as finest brews as Greatest leaders philie starts turn [00:00:10.00] BazookaDamage dealt: 39 17 Korydex starts turn [00:00:27.26] BazookaDamage dealt: 200 philie starts turn [00:00:50.84] Homing MissileDamage dealt: 200 9 Korydex starts turn [00:01:24.84] Homing MissileDamage dealt: 24 philie starts turn [00:01:41.32] Mortar Korydex starts turn [00:02:05.24] MortarDamage dealt: 25 48 philie starts turn [00:02:25.68] Homing PigeonDamage dealt: 1 183 Korydex starts turn [00:02:49.62] Homing PigeonDamage dealt: 73 32 79 philie starts turn [00:03:17.10] Sheep LauncherDamage dealt: 31 Korydex starts turn [00:03:37.62] Sheep LauncherDamage dealt: 200 philie starts turn [00:04:04.86] GrenadeDamage dealt: 34 44 Korydex starts turn [00:04:33.50] GrenadeDamage dealt: 30 philie starts turn [00:05:04.12] Cluster BombDamage dealt: 5 4 29 5 Korydex starts turn [00:05:18.04] Cluster Bomb philie starts turn [00:05:41.54] Skip Go Korydex starts turn [00:06:05.14] Banana BombDamage dealt: 32 28 44 philie starts turn [00:06:31.56] Banana BombDamage dealt: 5 168 143 Korydex starts turn [00:07:04.22] Battle AxeDamage dealt: 97 philie starts turn [00:07:21.12] Battle AxeDamage dealt: 100 Korydex starts turn [00:07:46.14] Earth QuakeDamage dealt: 200 4 200 200 43 6 philie starts turn [00:08:21.94] Earth QuakeDamage dealt: 8 Korydex starts turn [00:08:41.12] Shotgun[00:08:57.76] Shotgun philie starts turn [00:09:15.22] Shotgun[00:09:22.58] ShotgunDamage dealt: 13 20 Korydex starts turn [00:09:53.56] HandgunDamage dealt: 22 philie starts turn [00:10:14.14] Handgun Korydex starts turn [00:10:48.12] Uzi philie starts turn [00:11:07.12] UziDamage dealt: 7 Korydex starts turn [00:11:19.78] MinigunDamage dealt: 81 philie starts turn [00:11:42.16] Minigun Korydex starts turn [00:12:08.06] Longbow[00:12:13.86] LongbowDamage dealt: 112 50 philie starts turn [00:12:39.82] Longbow[00:12:44.44] LongbowDamage dealt: 30 Korydex starts turn Damage dealt: 2 philie starts turn [00:13:29.42] Patsy's Magic BulletDamage dealt: 106 188 194 Korydex starts turn [00:13:42.96] Fire Punch philie starts turn [00:14:06.06] Fire Punch Korydex starts turn [00:14:32.98] Dragon BallDamage dealt: 36 philie starts turn [00:14:47.98] Dragon BallDamage dealt: 36 Korydex starts turn [00:15:06.66] KamikazeDamage dealt: 275 philie starts turn [00:15:30.40] Kamikaze Korydex starts turn [00:15:50.86] Suicide BomberDamage dealt: 25 113 philie starts turn [00:16:05.58] Suicide BomberDamage dealt: 200 Korydex starts turn [00:16:30.84] Prod philie starts turn [00:16:55.18] Prod Korydex starts turn [00:17:11.06] DynamiteDamage dealt: 33 46 philie starts turn [00:17:35.64] DynamiteDamage dealt: 14 16 91 Korydex starts turn [00:18:01.16] MineDamage dealt: 187 philie starts turn [00:18:27.52] MineDamage dealt: 61 Korydex starts turn [00:18:56.36] SheepDamage dealt: 66 29 philie starts turn [00:19:20.30] Sheep Korydex starts turn philie starts turn [00:20:21.14] Patsy's Magic BulletDamage dealt: 28 85 59 Korydex starts turn [00:20:49.92] Aqua SheepDamage dealt: 42 philie starts turn [00:21:06.98] Aqua SheepDamage dealt: 47 7 Korydex starts turn [00:21:33.12] Mole BombDamage dealt: 38 19 philie starts turn [00:21:51.42] Mole BombDamage dealt: 20 35 Korydex starts turn [00:22:08.56] Air StrikeDamage dealt: 14 philie starts turn [00:22:25.14] Air StrikeDamage dealt: 49 86 Korydex starts turn [00:22:44.96] Napalm StrikeDamage dealt: 8 35 6 philie starts turn [00:23:15.96] Napalm StrikeDamage dealt: 3 273 Korydex starts turn [00:23:39.42] Mail StrikeDamage dealt: 9 55 42 55 philie starts turn [00:24:22.38] Mail StrikeDamage dealt: 2 Korydex starts turn [00:24:38.38] Mine StrikeDamage dealt: 98 43 philie starts turn [00:25:05.46] Mine StrikeDamage dealt: 16 48 54 Korydex starts turn [00:25:39.34] Mole Squadron philie starts turn [00:26:00.48] Mole SquadronDamage dealt: 4 17 Korydex starts turn [00:26:14.52] Blow Torch philie starts turn [00:26:36.98] Blow TorchDamage dealt: 18 Korydex starts turn [00:26:48.06] Pneumatic Drill philie starts turn [00:27:02.68] Pneumatic DrillDamage dealt: 30 Korydex starts turn [00:27:13.52] Girder philie starts turn [00:27:31.68] Girder Korydex starts turn [00:27:44.32] Baseball Bat philie starts turn [00:28:03.86] Baseball Bat Korydex starts turn [00:28:20.32] Girder Starter-Pack[00:28:24.18] Girder Starter-Pack[00:28:29.96] Girder Starter-Pack philie starts turn [00:28:48.20] Girder Starter-Pack[00:28:51.14] Girder Starter-Pack[00:28:59.02] Girder Starter-Pack[00:29:01.16] Girder Starter-Pack[00:29:02.36] Girder Starter-Pack Korydex starts turn [00:29:14.26] Ninja Rope philie starts turn [00:29:38.00] Ninja Rope Korydex starts turn [00:30:19.00] Bungee philie starts turn Korydex starts turn philie starts turn [00:31:29.70] Bungee Korydex starts turn [00:31:58.46] Parachute philie starts turn [00:32:08.56] Parachute[00:32:16.38] Skip Go Korydex starts turn [00:32:27.54] Teleport philie starts turn [00:32:51.26] Teleport Korydex starts turn [00:32:58.86] Scales of JusticeDamage dealt: 173 100 152 2 89 112 philie starts turn [00:33:09.76] Scales of JusticeDamage dealt: 1 1 1 1 1 1 Korydex starts turn [00:33:31.02] Super Banana BombDamage dealt: 118 149 4 philie starts turn [00:34:08.68] Super Banana BombDamage dealt: 148 Korydex starts turn [00:34:36.22] Holy Hand-GrenadeDamage dealt: 87 19 24 philie starts turn [00:35:10.68] Holy Hand-GrenadeDamage dealt: 117 Korydex starts turn [00:35:51.38] Flame Thrower philie starts turn Damage dealt: 10 Korydex starts turn [00:36:45.54] Patsy's Magic BulletDamage dealt: 119 philie starts turn [00:36:59.82] Flame ThrowerDamage dealt: 13 Korydex starts turn [00:37:35.78] Salvation ArmyDamage dealt: 119 119 31 philie starts turn [00:38:04.40] Salvation ArmyDamage dealt: 11 119 Korydex starts turn [00:38:25.96] MB Bomb philie starts turn [00:38:47.96] MB BombDamage dealt: 71 Korydex starts turn [00:39:10.74] Petrol BombDamage dealt: 20 philie starts turn [00:39:35.32] Petrol BombDamage dealt: 173 Korydex starts turn [00:39:59.76] Skunk philie starts turn [00:40:24.72] Skunk Korydex starts turn [00:40:52.50] Priceless Ming VaseDamage dealt: 101 philie starts turn [00:41:15.34] Priceless Ming VaseDamage dealt: 166 123 Korydex starts turn [00:41:47.78] French Sheep StrikeDamage dealt: 7 philie starts turn [00:42:08.74] French Sheep StrikeDamage dealt: 247 119 Korydex starts turn [00:42:39.52] Mike's Carpet BombDamage dealt: 22 philie starts turn [00:43:00.04] Mike's Carpet BombDamage dealt: 148 Korydex starts turn [00:43:23.04] Mad CowDamage dealt: 48 philie starts turn [00:43:44.02] Mad CowDamage dealt: 51 Korydex starts turn [00:44:09.86] Old Woman philie starts turn [00:44:27.72] Old Woman Korydex starts turn [00:44:55.42] Concrete DonkeyDamage dealt: 149 philie starts turn [00:45:28.54] Concrete DonkeyDamage dealt: 21 185 14 Korydex starts turn [00:46:09.68] Indian Nuclear TestDamage dealt: 88 philie starts turn [00:46:29.40] Indian Nuclear TestDamage dealt: 146 Korydex starts turn [00:46:55.48] ArmageddonDamage dealt: 142 94 44 128
292.68 s 223.58 s |